Thursday, October 4, 2018

Goo Hara Scandal

It's been awhile since I wrote, and the truth is that it's because I didn't see anything that was worth commenting on. None of the issues I read about pulled any reaction from me beyond maybe mild curiosity...until now.
Goo Hara got into problems with her ex-boyfriend. According to various sources, they dated for three months and then had a bad breakup. What I understand from the situation is that while they were together, they lived together and filmed a sex tape. They broke up for whatever reason and he apparently threatened to leak the sex tape which led to a fight between the both of them. She destroyed his face and he bruised her arms around the elbows and wrists.

Here are my thoughts, so far at least:

1. He's disgusting. I don't care how evil your partner/ex is, threatening to release something as personal as a sex tape - even if both parties agreed to film it - is sickening.

2. Goo Hara is also wrong. Even though I cannot honestly say I would not have had the same response, she should have taken it to the police first. Easier said than done, trust me, I know. But the reality is that life is so much harder for women than it is for men. While she has earned sympathy and empathy because of her plight, it's still going to be a difficult road for her.

3. I heard the ex lost his job as well. Good.

4. Ladies, please don't move in with a man after 3 months. Please don't do that. Ever.

4. Both of them need to be punished. While he threatened her and blackmailed her, she injured him physically. He has proven himself to be a despicable excuse of a man, and she has shown that she cannot control herself. Maybe she needs to get counseling, but her method of handling that kind of stress is very, very destructive. 

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